Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pride Parade

Drag queens, ass-less chaps, rainbow flags, oh my!

What I love about the Pride Parade (at least the one in San Diego since I have not yet had the privilege of attending San Francisco Pride) is that there are so many different kinds of supporters there. Straight people, gay guys, gay girls, churches who support the rights, corporations who support gay rights, drag queens, drag kings, transgender peoples, asexuals (which wordpress refuses to accept as a real word),  pansexuals, university groups, everyone is there! Not everyone there believes in the same things or that our fight should be won in the same way, but we put it aside for Pride. Solidarity is important because history has shown us over and over again that their is strength in numbers. So we come together every year to show we're queer and we don't care what the rest of the world really thinks of us. We want our rights and we won't give up!

Things are getting better. The government repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell, so the Armed Forces also joined us in uniform for the first time. I believe they have a lot to be proud of and I'm pleased that events like this are happening in my lifetime. With the consistent overturn of Proposition 8 in the courts, I believe its only a matter of time until anyone can marry the person they love without legal interference. It may still be years until the courts enforce it, but it's happening. LGBT rights will never be perfect, but I have to admit that I never did think a President, even Obama would risk their political careers so greatly by publicly announcing that he supports gay marriage rights. I didn't think he would do it, I didn't believe. It shows that things really are changing, and Pride was an excellent way for me to celebrate and to show the forces of this world, that I am thankful for it.

Stay together, be strong and keep believing that good things happen San Diego! Maybe there really is something bigger looking out for all of us (no matter how small the minority). It could all be a coincidence, but I still believe their is love and justice in the world. You can't "hate" that way!

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